I Am This: Religious (a guest post)

xavea’s note: This is a guest post written by my friend Erin. Since I do not claim all identities worth exploring, I have invited a number of people to write guest posts about aspects that make up their identity which I do not share. Please note that while some minor editing has been done by me (to fix typos, formatting), any other edits to content have been done by the guest author, but pictures and captions were done by me. The opinions expressed are strictly those of the guest author. I may or may not agree with the opinions expressed, but it is not my right to police how someone else crafts their identity.

Erin can be found on Twitter @e103084

Hey there, my name is Erin, and I have been kindly asked to contribute to this blog on the theme of religion as identity, as part of the larger theme of identity politics in general.

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